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passed gave the usual present, and the youth dwelt with his mother a long while, and with his father a long while.

And his father was seized by necessity, and died. His mother became anxious that, "I may not die before I have married my son." And she sought out a wife for her son with diligence, a wife of his own family, beautiful and young. And he married and went into his house, and dwelt long with his wife, and dwelt long with the people of the town, and the people loved him.

And his mother was taken by necessity and died. And he sat mourning for his mother till he went forth. And when they had gone forth from the mourning, he called his three brothers, and said to them, "My brothers, give me advice. Father is dead, and mother is dead, and this dignity father gave me before his death."

And they said, "Our father gave you the dignity, our father's giving to you was final, it returns not." And they said to him, "So now, you are our brother, get us, your brothers, food and clothes to wear, we want nothing more, and we are under you, what you tell us, that is what we will do."

And he said, "My eldest brother being the one to be vizir; you, the middle one, be my chief officer; and the last is the one to be my secretary."

And they dwelt, he and his brothers, in good counsel. He married each one to a wife, and they dwelt with their wives, and they dwelt with their town. And each one had children, and they agreed in their counsels as people do agree.

And this is the story that Chuma made, making it about Sultan Majnún, and this is the end of the story. If it be good, the goodness belongs to us all, and if it be bad, the badness belongs to me alone who made it.