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There was a teacher who taught children to read under a calabash tree, and this teacher's name was called Goso. And one day a gazelle came and climbed up the calabash tree, and threw down a calabash, and it struck the teacher, and he died. His scholars took their teacher and went and buried him.

When they had finished burying him they said, "Let us go and look for him who threw down the calabash which struck our teacher Goso, and when we get him let us kill him.

Then they said, "What threw down the calabash was the south wind: it blew, and threw down the calabash, and it struck our teacher, and let us go and look for the south wind, and beat it."

And they took the south wind and beat it. And the south wind said, "I am the south wind, you are beating me; what have I done?" And they said, "It was you, south wind, who threw down the calabash, and it struck our teacher Goso, you should not do it." And the south wind said, "If I were the chief, should I be stopped by a mud wall?"

And they went and took the mud wall and beat it. And the mud wall said, "Do you beat me, what have I done?" And they said, "You mud wall stop the south