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are what I think in my soul." And he said, "I know not, my friend, whatsoever comes from God is good."

And Ali said, "If he taps now I will answer him; if he kills me let him kill me; if he leaves me alone, well; but I can't help answering him."

And the Vizir tapped, and called him, "Ali!" And he answered, "Here, who are you that come calling me in the night, and in the middle of the night too?" And he said, "It is I, I have business with you?" And he said, "I don't know you who are come, master." And he said, "Don't be afraid, I have come to call you for good, and not for harm." And he said, "Master, call me to your house, and wait for me there till the morning." The Vizir said, "Here where I am, I cannot wait for you even one minute, as you are talking there inside I feel you are delaying. I beg of you, Ali, come outside, and hear the matter I want you for."

And he said, "All right, master, I am putting my ear to the door. Tell me your name, then I shall trust myself to come out, for then I shall know you."

And the Vizir went and said, "It is I, the Sultan's Vizir, I beg of you come out, I have a matter to tell you, and it is a matter of privacy." "All right, my master." And Ali went and told his friend the beggar, "I have come to be called by the Sultan's Vizir; he who refuses to be called, refuses what he is called for."

And he said, "Go, my friend, perhaps there is good luck for you." And as he opened the door Ali saw the Vizir and his slave. And he said, "Master, Masalkhieri." And he said, "Thanks, Ali, let us be going and make our way to my house." And he said, "All right, master."

The Vizir and Ali went together to his house. As the Vizir went up-stairs, it struck one o'clock. And the Vizir called his slave woman, "Mrashi!" And she answered,