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And Ali said, "The Saltan told me, 'Sell dear, don't sell cheap.'"

And the Vizir arose and said, I will give you all my house that I live in, and all the goods that are in it, except my wife, the daughter of a family, to go to her home."

And he said, "Well then, write me a note under your hand."

And the Vizir called Mrashi. And she answered, "Here, master." And he said, "Bring the pen and ink and paper, from the niche in the wall." And Mrashi went and brought them. The Vizir took hold of the paper and ink, and wrote for Ali; "I have given him all my possessions, which speak and which speak not, even to my house which I myself dwell in, save only my wife, the daughter of a family, to go to her home." And the Vizir took the note and gave it to Ali.

"It is now four o'clock, let us go and perform our devotions first, that when we come back from prayers I may give you the meanings you want."

And they went down-stairs and went to their devotions, and returned from the mosque. And he said, "Now then, Ali, tell me, for it is getting light."

And Ali said, "The meaning of saying, 'He who does not know the meaning of it, will not be told,' is because if I tell a man who has no understanding, even then he will not know it. That is the meaning of telling every one that asked me, 'He who does not know the meaning of it, will not be told.' And when the Sultan called me, he was not told so, because the Sultan has understanding. And he, what he replied to me was, 'Sell dear, don't sell cheap.' These are your words."

"Well, explain to me the loss of the property."

And Ali said, "I made this property into four parts,