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one part I put in the sea, one part I set on fire, one part I lent and shall not be paid, with one part I paid a debt which I have not yet done paying."

"Tell me, then, Ali, the meaning of sinking one part in the sea; what is the meaning of that?"

And Ali said to the Vizir, "Forgive me for all that I shall say, and bear with it." And he said, "In the sea is the property that I spent in dissipation with women; that property is lost, and I shall not get it again; so then it is as if I had put it in the sea, for what sinks in the sea, is not to be had again."

"And the meaning of setting one part on fire?"

Ali said, "I ate much, I dressed much, I spent much; that is the meaning of setting on fire, for it will not return into my hands."

"Tell me as to the third part. "What is the meaning of lending, and you will not be repaid?"

And he said to the Vizir, "It is as if a man should give his wife a dowry, it returns not again; so this is the meaning of telling you I lent and shall not be repaid."

And he said, "As to the fourth part, tell me the meaning of saying you have paid a debt but have not finished paying it."

And he said to the Vizir, "It is like a man who has given his mother property, wishing to please her soul; but I, her son, do not know whether I rejoice my mother's soul by what I have done; so I, the young man, say in my soul, my mother is not yet pleased with the property I have given her. That is the meaning of saying I have paid, but have not yet finished paying."

And he said, "Thank you, Ali; and I have understood what you said."

And the sun had begun to shine, and six o'clock had already struck. And the Vizir sat with a joyful spirit.