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In old times there was a town, and there was a woman, and she was pregnant, and her husband died. When her husband was dead she waited till at last she bore a son. And her husband's work had been to set traps, and he caught game, and sold food.

After his death the woman was asked by her son, "Mother, we are dying of hunger." And the son spoke to her and asked his mother, "Mother, what work did father do to get food?" And she said, "Your father was a man who set traps, and so got food." "Then I too will set traps, that I may get game, and we may sell it, and get food."

And he went on all day, and cut branches of trees. The second day he went on all day, and cut traps. The third day he went on all day, and twisted rope. The fourth day he went on all day, and set up the traps. The fifth day he went on all day, and set the traps. The sixth day he went to try the traps, and took out game and killed it, and took the flesh into the town and it was sold for corn. And their houses were full of food, and they got ease in their circumstances.

At last he went and tried the traps, and got nothing.