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I begin a poem in stanzas of five lines passing quickly,
That I may make it clear, and it may give light like a lamp.
In order to follow Liongo, the lion of cities.
Oh! much, much, I begin with many, as well as go forward
and finish, the child of good things.

Then if you see a wrong-doer, a man your equal,
Turn your heart and put on vigour and bitterness,
Be like a leopard, a she leopard, among the flock.
Child, how see you your goat, in the pathway; its horns
held and a milker milking it?

My brother, oh my friend, let us say words to profit you.
The gentleman must take away shameful things,
I fear dying for you, such things are not before the man of position.
My child, how see you his vileness standing; without his
consenting to die, and regrets follow after.

Mtoto waonaje mbuzi wako katika mwendo amekamatwa pembe na mkami akimkama.

Ndugu yangu, ewe rafiki, tuseme mambo yamekujalia,
Huyu mungwana shuruti jambo la kufathaika aiondoe,
Nakuogopa kufa mwenyi daraja havikuelekea.
Mtoto wangu waonaje unyonge wake husimama; asirithie
kufa na majuto yakaja nyuma.