Page:Swedenborg's Doctrine of Correspondence.djvu/157

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shuns evils as sins, the good that he wills and does is not good.

2. If a man thinks pious thoughts and speaks pious words, and does not shun evils as sins, the pious things which he thinks and speaks are not pious.
3. If a man knows, and is wise in many things, and does not shun evils as sins, yet he is not wise.
IV. So far as any one shuns evils as sins, he loves truths.
V. So far as any one shuns evils as sins he has faith, and is spiritual.
VI. The decalogue teaches what evils are sins.
VII. Murders, adulteries, thefts, and false witness, of every kind, with the lust after them, are evils which are to be shunned as sins.
VIII. So far as any one shuns murders, of every kind, as sins, he has love towards the neighbor.
IX. So far as any one shuns adulteries of every kind as sins, he loves chastity.
X. So far as any one shuns thefts of every kind as sins, he loves sincerity.
XI. So far as any one shuns false witness of every kind as sin, he loves truth.