Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/241

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knows the time when His Church ought to commence.' . . .

"As to what relates to myself, I cannot give you a reason for the great friendship Swedenborg entertained for me, who am not a learned man. It is true, we were good friends in Sweden; but that this friendship between us should have become as constant as it has been, I never expected.

"All that he had told me of my deceased friends and enemies, and all of the secrets I had with them, is almost past belief. He even explained to me in what manner peace was concluded between Sweden and the King of Prussia; and he praised my conduct on that occasion. He even specified the three high personages whose services I made use of at that time; which was nevertheless a profound secret between us. On asking him how it was possible for him to obtain such information, and who had discovered it to him, he replied, 'Who informed me about your affair with Count Claes Ekeblad? You cannot deny that what I have told you is true. Continue' he added, 'to merit his reproaches [for refusing a great bribe]; depart not from the good way either for honors or money; but, on the contrary, continue as