Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/41

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lation. He said, "No human tongue can pronounce and no angel can describe what I then saw and heard." He firmly believed that "God's angels are especially present in this sacred office [of Divine worship]." He felt sure that he was specially protected by angels from malign influences and directed in his studies at the University. How essential was this trust and confidence in Divine and heavenly influences to the service in store for his son Emanuel we shall see as we go on.

Of Emanuel's childhood he himself wrote late in life in answer to the inquiries of his friend Dr. Beyer, "From my fourth to my tenth year I was constantly engaged in thought upon God, salvation, and the spiritual experiences of men; and several times I revealed things at which my father and mother marvelled, saying that angels must be speaking through me. From my sixth to my twelfth year I used to delight in conversing with clergymen about faith, saying that the life of faith is love, and that the love which imparts life is love to the neighbor; also that God gives faith to every one, but that those only receive it who practise that love." Thus early was he im-