Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/63

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inserting in the fourth number some Dædalian speculations about a flying machine, and to leave room for Dr. Bromell's curiosities, if he be pleased to insert them. Assessor Polheimer writes that in the following number he wishes to insert such matter as will be of use to the public—such as water and wind machines, mill, etc.—of which I am very glad."

Charles XII had now returned to Sweden, to the great joy of his people, and found much use for both Polheimer and Swedenborg. In December, 1716, Swedenborg writes to Benzelius—

"I wrote you a letter from Lund and should have written to you more frequently had I not been prevented by my mechanical and other occupations; moreover I had enough to attend to in order to accomplish my design. Since his Majesty graciously looked at my Dædalus and its plan, he has advanced me to the post of an Assessor Extraordinary in the College of Mines, yet in such a way that I should for some time attend the Councillor of Commerce, Polheimer. What pleases me most is that his Majesty pronounced so favorable and gracious a judgment respecting me, and himself defended me against