Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/74

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canal. In September he writes to his brother-in-law—

"I found his Majesty most gracious toward me, much more so than I had any reason to expect, which I regard as a good omen. Count Mörner also showed me all the favor that I could wish.

"Every day I had some mathematical matters for his Majesty, who deigned to be pleased with all of them. When the eclipse took place, I took his Majesty out to see it, and talked much to him about it. This, however, is a mere beginning. I hope in time to be able to do something in this quarter for the advancement of science, but I do not wish to bring anything forward now except what is of immediate use. His majesty found considerable fault with me for not having continued my Dædalus; but I pleaded want of means, of which he does not like to hear. I expect some assistance for it very soon.

"With respect to brother Esberg [a nephew of Benzelius], I will see that he gets some employment at the locks; but nothing can be done before next spring. If he meanwhile studies mathematics well and begins to make models, it