Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/79

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Besides this, I have improved the little treatise which was published at Upsal about the high water in primeval times; and I have added a number of clear proofs, together with an undeniable demonstration how stones were moved in a deep ocean. I have also adduced arguments to show how the northern horizon was changed, and that it is reasonable to suppose that Sweden in the primeval ages was an island. This I have handed in to the Censor of Books, so as to publish it anew. There is also quite a number of smaller papers. The deep study by which I have endeavored to compass these subjects has caused me to look with contempt upon everything I have heretofore published; but I intend to improve them very much when they are to be translated [from Swedish into French or Latin]. . . .

"With much love, I remain your most faithful servant, Eman. Swedenborg."

This is the first letter we have in which Swedenborg assumes the new name which had been given in June to the wife and children of Bishop Swedberg, with admission to the equestrian order of the nobility, and so to a seat in the Diet—-