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"They call me, Franklin."

"A good English name of a good English class that has disappeared. Well, Mr. Franklin, be sure of this, that the Population Returns of this country are very instructive reading."

"I can conceive so."

"I became a man when the bad times were beginning," said Gerard; "I have passed through many doleful years. I was a Franklin's son myself, and we had lived on this island at least no worse for a longer time than I care to recollect as little as what I am now. But that's nothing; I am not thinking of myself. I am prosperous in a fashion; it is the serfs I live among of whom I am thinking. Well, I have heard, in the course of years, of some specifics for this constant degradation of the people; some thing or some person that was to put all right; and for my part, I was not unready to support any proposal or follow any leader. There was reform, and there was paper money, and no machinery, and a thousand other remedies; and there were demagogues of all kinds, some as base as myself, and some with