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Slowly delivering himself of an ejaculation, Egremont leant back in his chair.

"He may live a month," said Lady Marney; "he cannot live two. It is the greatest of secrets; known at this moment only to four individuals, and I communicate it to you, my dear Charles, in that absolute confidence which I hope will always subsist between us, because it is an event that may greatly affect your career."

"How so, my dear mother?"

"Marbury! I have settled with Mr. Tadpole that you shall stand for the old borough. With the government in our hands, as I had anticipated at the general election, success I think was certain: under the circumstances which we must encounter, the struggle will be more severe, but I think we shall do it: and it will be a happy day for me to have our own again, and to see you in Parliament, my dear child."

"Well, my dear mother, I should like very much to be in Parliament, and particularly to sit for the old borough; but I fear the contest