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[- § 26 Commentaries on Käsikä possess not a single edition of this ancient commentary. There is no complete Ms. of it in any hitherto known collection, but the several fragments may yield a toler- ably complete text. And the commentary is well worth the labours of a critical editor, to judge from such frag- ments of it as were available to me at the Deccan College Mss. Library. 39 26. Haradatta's Padamañjart on the Kasika.-There is an- other valuable commentary on the Käsikä called the Padamañjari by Haradatta. Haradatta was, as he himself informs us, the son of Padma-(or Rudra-)kumãra, and younger brother of Agnikumāra; while his preceptor was one Aparajita. He was probably a native of the Tamil country and may subsequently have acquainted himself with the Telugu literature, as the instance of a vernacu- ! lar word (fr) given by him seems to indicate. The Padamañjari is quoted in the Madhaviya Dhätuvritti and by Mallinatha, and itself quotes Mägha. According to a portion of the Bhavishyottara Purana giving the history of Haradatta (who is considered as an incarna- 1. Professor K. B. Pathak tells me shortly (1912). Maitreyarak- that the Ms. in the Jain shita is reported to have writ- Matha at Śravana Belgoļa, ten a commentary on the which is put down in the lists Nyusa, but I have not been able as a Nyasa on the Sakaṭayana- to verify the statement. sabdanusasana, is really a Ms. 2 These and the following details of the above work, and goes are taken from Sheshagiri as far as viii. 3. 11. I under- Shastri's Report on the search stand that Prof. Srish Chandra of Sanskrit and Tamil Mas. Chakravarti of Rajshahi Col- for 1893-94, Madras, No. 2. lege, Bengal, has been able 3 Benares edition (Reprint from to put together a tolerably complete copy of the text from Mss. collected from all corners of India. He is also going to publish the work the Pandit) pages 657, 715 line 2 (Mugha iii. 74), &o. Kirata ii, 35 is quoted on page 237 line 8; and Bhatti- kavya on page 541 line 16.