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26. Civil servants, as already indicated, have to function in accordance with the Constitution and the laws made by the Parliament. In the present political scenario, the role of civil servants has become very complex and onerous. Often they have to take decisions which will have far reaching consequences in the economic and technological fields. Their decisions must be transparent and must be in public interest. They should be fully accountable to the community they serve. Many of the recommendations made by the Hota Committee, various reports of the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission, 2008 and Santhanam Committee Report have high-lighted various lacunae in the present system which calls for serious attention by the political executive as well as the law makers.

27. We find it, however, difficult to give a positive direction to constitute an independent CSB at the Centre and State Level, without executive control, which Hota Committee has recommended to be statutory in nature, that too, comprising of persons from outside