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province of Hitachi on a white cloud. The evil gods originated from the pollution contracted by Izanagi during his visit to the nether world, and having greatly increased in numbers, began to behave in a disorderly manner when Susanowo no mikoto showed them a bad example. Takemikadzuchi and Futsunushi drove them into Hitachi, whence they expelled them from Japanese soil. The two gods left their Parted-Spirits here, in the temples which were built in their honour.’

Hirata says that these two gods are an example of Duality in Unity, of which many other similar cases exist. The gods of Wind and Metal are in pairs, male and female, bat each pair is counted as a single deity; while Oho-wata-tsumi no kami, the god of the sea, is a Trinity in Unity. He remarks that these truths ‘have a profound and mysterious signification,’ but omits to give any explanation of the mystery, probably because no explanation is possible.

The sixth prayer is addressed to Oho-kuni-nushi, ‘who rules the Unseen, and to his consort Suseri-bime, to whom is dedicated the ancient temple of Oho-yashiro in Idzumo. By the term “Unseen” (kakuri-goto) are meant peace or disturbance in the empire, its prosperity and adversity, the life and death, good and bad fortune of human beings, in fine, every supernatural event which cannot be ascribed to a definite author. The most fearful crimes which a man commits go unpunished by society, so long as they are undiscovered, but they draw down on him the hatred of the invisible gods. The attainment of happiness by performing good acts is regulated by the same law. Even if the gods do not punish secret sins by the usual penalties of the law, such as strangulation, decapitation and transfixion on the cross, they inflict diseases, misfortunes, short life and extermination of the race. Sometimes they even cause a clue to be given by which secret crime is made known to the Authorities who have power to punish. The gods bestow happiness and blessings on those who practise good, as effectually as if they