Page:Ta Tsing Leu Lee; Being, The Fundamental Laws, and a Selections from the Supplementary Statutes, of the Penal Code of China.djvu/81

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Penal Laws of China.
The firſt nominally a
puniſhment of
60 blows, of which only 20 blows are to be
The ſecond 70 blows, 25 blows
The third 80 blows, 30 blows
The fourth 90 blows, 35 blows
The fifth 100 blows, 40 blows

The third diviſion in the ſcale of puniſhments is, that of temporary baniſhment, to any diſtance not exceeding 500 lee[1], with the view of affording an opportunity of repentance and and amendment. Of this ſpecies of puniſhment there are alſo five gradations: namely,

Baniſhment for 1A/B year, and 60 blows with the bamboo, reduced as above.
11/2 years, and 60 blows
2A/B years, and 80 blows
21/2 years, and 90 blows
3A/B years, and 100 blows

Perpetual baniſhment, the fourth degree of puniſhment in the order of ſeverity, is ſubdivided as follows; and is reſerved for ſuch of the more conſiderable offences whereupon the life of the criminal is ſpared by the mercifulneſs of the laws:

100 blows with the bamboo, and perpetual banishment to the diſtance of 2000 lee.
2500 lee.
3000 lee.

The fifth and ultimate puniſhment which the laws ordain, is death, either by ſtrangulation, or by decollation.

All criminals capitally convicted, except ſuch atrocious offenders as are expreſsly directed to be executed without delay, are retained in priſon for execution at a particular period in the autumn; the ſentence paſſed upon each individual being firſt duly reported to, and ratified by, the Emperor.

To this ſection of the fundamental laws a ſupplement is annexed, conſiſting of eighteen clauſes[2].


  1. Ten lee are uſually eſtimated to be equal to three geographical miles, but the proportion varies a little in the different provinces of the empire.
  2. See Appendix, No. V.