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well an’ happy, so I’ll jest ask you to ring down the curtain on the melodrama an’ put a few more clothes on the heroine, then I’ll restore "em to anxious relatives and git a blessin’.”

Much relieved, Ella flashed a golden smile. “Say, Ted, —didn’t she look a_bloomin’ show! A guy on de street yells in to Abe, ‘Call off yer chorus lady!’ he says. It’s been bigger an’ better’n Coney Island, an’ me old man’s got a lame wrist shovellin’ out de celebrated Bull Dog Tea.” She went off in great good humour to lower the window blind in the face of a disappointed group of loungers and whisk the children off to prepare them for speedy departure. A few moments later a cab left the door, containing Mr. Burns in charge of a sleepy small boy, phlegmatic dog and wiry little girl, whose floating frizzled hair was all that was left to remind her of the glory of an hour gone by.