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interjected “But they was here just a minute ago. I saw them myself.” She repeated the remark now with more animation, causing the captain to say testily, “Yes, ma’am, yes, probably you did see them a minute ago, but the question is, Do—you—see—them—now?” Which retort, thundered at her, reduced her to a state of limp speechlessness.

“Now, see here, Burns” (as that worthy was about to hold forth anew), “I’ve heard all I want to about this. I know the case an’ we've got the parties. You don’t want to waste any time chewin’ the rag, but get out and hustle. See? The kids are in Noo York an’ it’s your business to find ’em. You let ’em go, now bring em back. I give you five hours to do it in. Shut up now—Go!” And Burns, having had dealings with this particular captain before, lost no time in obeying.

He first heard from a street urchin of a “dago