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“I said I’d take him off you. I never said I was goin’ to take him up to the home myself,” objected his stalwart captive sullenly. “I ain’t goin’ to get roped in for that. You kin have yer wad back if you like, but you don’t git me to tote the kid up there.”

“What in thunder did you mean to do with him?” asked Pat, wrathfully.

Jim was silent.

“Of course Jim is not afraid of a few women,” said Patty sweetly, “and religious women at that.”

The hired man mopped his brow. “Perhaps, Ma’am, you ain’t aware that the other kid was brung back two days ago by this one’s dad from Montreal an’ there was the H—— to pay when he found his own youngster had been shipped off to Noo York by mistake. The language that man used you'd hardly believe, ma’am, an’ he made the Mother