Page:Tak your auld cloak about ye (1).pdf/4

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Bell my wife, she loes na strife,
But she wad guide if she can;
And to maintain an easy life,
I aft maun yield, though I'm gudeman,
Nought's to be won at woman's hand,
Unless ye gie her a' the plea;
Sae I’ll leave aff whare I began,
And tak my auld cloak about me.


Willie was a wanton wag,
the blythest lad that e'er I saw,
At bridals still he bore the brag,
and carried a the gree awa',
His doublet was of Zetland shag,
and wow! but Willie he was braw;
And at his shouther hung a tag,
that pleas'd the lasses best of a'.

He was a man without a clag,
his heart was frank, without a flaw:
And ay whatever Willie said,
it was still hadden as a law.
His boots they were made o' the jag,
when he gae'd to the weapon-shaw;
Upon the green nane durst him brag,
the fiend a ane amang them a'.