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4. Pursuant to s 115(2) of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) ("the Copyright Act"), the respondent be permanently restrained from doing any of the following acts, whether by himself, his servants, agents or otherwise:

(a) reproducing in a material form, or making a copy of, in Australia any one or more of GTA V Works or any substantial part thereof;
(b) authorising another person to reproduce in a material form, or make a copy of, in Australia any one or more of the GTA V Works or any substantial part thereof,

where such act is done in circumstances in which one or both of the following apply:

(c) the act is done in conjunction with the use of the Infamous Mod or any other cheat software by the Respondent or by the other person in paragraph (b); or
(d) the act done is not in accordance with the terms of a current licence from the first applicant.

5. Pursuant to s 232(1) of the ACL, the respondent be permanently restrained, whether by himself, his servants, agents or otherwise, from:

(a) causing the applicants or any player of the video game Grand Theft Auto V, to receive false or misleading data about any multiplayer game in play, including data about the status and statistics of any other player or any other data,
(b) whether by means of the Infamous Mod or otherwise.

6. The respondent do all things necessary and desirable that are within his power to do to cause the Infamous Mod to be made permanently inoperable, including but not limited to permanently disabling any authentication service upon which the Infamous Mod relies.

7. The respondent delete and not restore or recreate, or permit restoration or recreation of, all copies of the Infamous Mod (including source code, compiled code, updates, drafts or unpublished versions) in his possession, custody, power or control.

8. The respondent file and serve an affidavit on or before 4.00pm on 17 September 2021, specifying and verifying:

(a) the actions he has taken pursuant to order 6; and
(b) the deletions he has made pursuant to order 7.

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc v Anderson [2021] FCA 1024