Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/107

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from the Land of the Tzar.

Go to sleep, and to-morrow morning you will find the loveliest carpet that ever mortal eye beheld; so good-night!"

As soon as the prince fell asleep, the frog went to the entrance of the hole, changed itself into the beautiful princess as on the night before, and cried out,—

"Cold winds and warm winds, listen to my call! Hasten to the palace of the king, my father, and bring me the carpet that lies in my room. Away!"

No sooner said than done. When morning came, Prince Akem saw, to his surprise, a most beautiful as well as extraordinary carpet lying in front of his bed. On it were all the kingdoms, towns, seas, and rivers in the world, with ships sailing on the seas, and boats on the rivers. Besides all this, there were wars going on between countries; the guns were firing, and the wounded soldiers were lying about on the battle-fields. But the most surprising thing of all was that all the people, the animals, flowers, trees, grass, and everything on the carpet were alive!

Great was the astonishment at court when Prince Akem brought this wonderful carpet to his father, and greater were the thanks the young prince received.

But the king gave another order, which to Prince Akem seemed far more difficult than the others. It was that each of the young princes should bring his wife to the palace on the following day, that the king might thank them himself for all the trouble they had taken for him in trying to please him.

Prince Egor and his brother Vania went to their homes light-hearted and happy. But not so Prince