Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/120

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Tales and Legends

"My darling Countess Tania!" she cried, "whatever made you come here? You are in great danger, for this hut does not belong to me, but to a wicked old witch, who, however, is not at home just now; but when she does come, oh! beware, dear countess!"

Tania was rather startled at this, especially when she heard the word witch, for she had no very great love for the creatures, and certainly not for wicked ones. However, as she was very sleepy and hungry, she said that if she could only have something to eat and drink, and get a nice hiding-place, she would not mind. This was soon granted her.

When she was safely hidden the old witch came in.

"I smell the blood of a Russian!" was her first greeting.

"Nonsense, little mother!" laughed the young girl, whose name was Varia. "It was only an old man who came to have a drink."

"Why did you not keep him?"

"Because he was too old for your teeth."

"I don't believe you! But, at any rate, in future mind you keep all who dare come to my hut, and don't let them out again!"

When morning came the witch went out, while Tania and Varia sat down and talked to each other; but when evening came Tania had to hide herself again.

"I smell the blood of a Russian!" cried the witch, when she returned.

"Nay, mother, it was only an old woman who