Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/151

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from the Land of the Tzar.

"Blacksmith! blacksmith! make me another set of iron teeth, or you are a dead man!"

The smith soon got them ready, and the witch began biting the tree.

Ivashko was now at a loss what to do, when suddenly he beheld some black swans flying towards him, so he called out to them,—

"Swans of the air,
Lift me with care,
And carry me home
O'er the water's foam!"

But the swans replied,—

"Let the next set take the boy!"

And tossing up their proud heads, they flew haughtily away.

Soon the next set came flying: they were of a beautiful grey colour. When Ivashko saw them, he called out again,—

"Swans of the air,
Lift me with care,
And carry me home
O'er the water's foam!"

But these were as haughty as the first, and answered,—

"Let the other set take the boy!"

Soon a set of beautiful white swans came in sight, and Ivashko cried out to them,—

"Swans of the air,
Lift me with care,
And carry me home
O'er the water's foam!"

These, however, consented; they made him sit on