Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/154

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Tales and Legends


Once upon a time, there lived a king and queen who had two children, a son and a daughter; the prince was named Oleg, and the princess Olga.

But the king and queen soon died, leaving the children to wander about homeless and unprovided for in the wide, wide world.

They walked on and on, till they came to a pond where some cows were drinking.

"I am so thirsty," said Prince Oleg, "that I think I shall go and have a drink."

"No, brother, don't; or you will turn into a calf," replied the princess.

He obeyed, and they went on farther until they came to a river, where a number of horses were running about.

"I really must have a drink here," said Oleg.

"No, brother dear, don't; or you will turn into a pony."

Oleg again obeyed his sister, and they continued their journey; till at last they came to a lake where they saw a number of goats.

"It is no use, sister, I really must have a drink now, or die."

"Don't, please don't, Oleg, or you will turn into a kid."