Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/197

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from the Land of the Tzar.

angry skeleton has stolen your Princess Helen, the golden cassowary, and the golden horse, and has locked them up in his castle. But do not fear for your bride, as the immortal skeleton has no power over her for she possesses a strong talisman. Still, she cannot get away from the castle, the only thing that can set her free is the dead female skeleton. Now you will have to find this deceased she-skeleton. I myself do not know where she is to be found, the only person who can tell you anything at all about her and where she is buried, is a certain witch who lives in a forest the other side of the World's End, but no one has yet dared to enter into this forest; no wild beast even has ever penetrated it, nor has any bird been known to fly over it, so dark and dreadful is this forest. The witch rides about through the clouds at full speed, sweeping past on her broom; with an iron pestle in her hand. From her alone you can learn how to get at the deceased she-skeleton for they are great friends. And now I will tell you where you can find a horse that will bring you straight to the dark wood and to the witch, for no ordinary horse will take you. Go from hence eastward until you come to a green meadow, in the middle of which stand two trees, and between them in the ground is an iron door with a ring. This door you must open and go down an iron staircase, which you will see there; you will then come to a subterranean hall with twelve doors on each side; behind the twelfth door on the right-hand side, is a big horse shut up by himself. When he hears your footsteps, he will run out to meet you; mount him