Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/215

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from the Land of the Tzar.

were about to walk in, when out came an old witch to meet them,—

"How dare you," she cried, "tie your horses up to the posts without asking my permission?"

"Oh, never mind, old woman!" cried the brothers; "take us first into your palace, and give us something to eat and drink, and then talk about whatever you please, and scold us as much as you like."

The old witch consented, and gave them food to eat and wine to drink, and when they had all made merry, the witch asked them kindly,—

"What do you want, young men? What are you in search of?"

"We are in search of forty-one sisters for brides."

"I have any number of daughters."

So saying, the witch ran upstairs to a high attic, and brought down with her forty-one beautiful damsels.

The young men fell in love with them at once, and began preparing for the wedding, which was to be a very grand one.

In the evening when they were all married and happy, Starveling went out to look after the horses, which had been left standing outside. When his horse saw him he began to stamp and neigh with joy.

"I am so glad you have come, dear master," said the horse, "for I want to warn you against the witch. Listen! Before you go to bed to-night, tell your brothers each to dress up his young wife in his garments, while he puts on the dress of his wife; and