Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/219

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from the Land of the Tzar.

"Good-day to you, King Vladimir!" he said. "I have been all over the wide world, and now I want to marry, and settle down in my own country. I have come to ask for the hand of your sister, Princess Natalia."

"If you really care for my sister," returned the king, remembering his parents' last words, "and my sister does not object, I am quite willing to have you for my brother-in-law, and will not stand in the way. Take her, and may the spirits of goodness bless you."

Princess Natalia had no objection whatever; in fact, she rather liked the idea, for the young man was wonderfully good-looking.

So the falcon married the princess, and took her with him to his native land.

A whole year had passed away since the falcon's visit to the palace, and the young king again proposed to go for a stroll in the grounds with his two sisters, when they once more beheld a black cloud in the blue sky.

"Another terrible thunderstorm," said King Vladimir; "let us go back to the palace before we get drenched."

They had just got safely in when down came the hail amidst the thunder and lightning. Again the ceiling opened; but this time an eagle flew in, and, changing itself into a young man, better-looking, if possible, than the first one, said,—

"Good-day, King Vladimir! Good-day, fair princesses. I have travelled all over the world, and am now going to return to my own kingdom. I have