Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/239

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from the Land of the Tzar.

Ivan obeyed, and concealed himself in a sheltered place under one of the little bridges. He had not very long to wait before he saw two old magicians coming along the straight road. When they were quite close to where Ivan lay hidden, he heard one say to the other,—

"I wonder who it was that cleansed these swamps and bogs? Whoever it was, he ought to be well rewarded."

"Yes, brother!" said the other. "Whatever he asks for, whatever he wishes, shall be granted him at once."

As soon as Ivan heard these words he came from his hiding-place, and said to the magicians,—

"My father, my brothers, and I made the road and the bridges."

"What do you ask from us?" asked one magician.

"I should like to have sufficient money to last me during the whole of my life."

"Granted. Go to the green field on the other side of the circuitous road; there you will find a rotten old tree, under which is a large cave full of gold and silver and precious stones. Take your spade and dig up the earth. You will then have enough money to last you your lifetime."

Away went Ivan to the green field, and found everything just as the magicians had said. He took some of the gold, silver, and precious stones, leaving the rest in the cave for safety, and went home.

"Well, my son," asked the old man, "did you see any one in the road? What did they say?"

Ivan told his father all about the magicians, what