Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/241

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from the Land of the Tzar.

"Whoever helped to cleanse these swamps shall be rewarded by having all his wishes fulfilled."

Simeon-the-Youthful came out of his hiding-place, and approaching the two magicians, said to them,—

"I helped my father and brothers to cleanse the swamps and bogs."

"What is your greatest wish?"

"I want to become a soldier, and serve our great king."

"Have you no other wish, good youth? for a soldier's life is a hard one; if you become a soldier you will be taken captive by the King of the Sea, and then you will shed many a tear."

"How odd old people are! Do you not know that if we do not cry in this world sometimes, we are sure to do so in the next."

"Well, if you have made up your mind to become a soldier, go! and receive our blessings."

So saying the magicians put their hands on Simeon's shoulders, but the moment they did so he was changed into a swift-footed stag, and bounded away homewards.

When the old man and his two sons saw the lovely stag run up, they rushed out of the hut to catch it; but the stag was too quick for them, and ran off, far, far away out of sight, and overtook the two magicians, who at once changed him into a hare. And this hare, after jumping about a little, fled home, where the father and his sons stood looking out of window; they ran out of their hut when they saw the little animal and were about to seize it, but before they could do anything the hare had vanished from