Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/245

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from the Land of the Tzar.

a tuft of the fur; this done, the stag changed into a hare, and jumped about the room for a little while, and then sprang up on to the princess's lap. She again took her little knife and cut off a little of the fur. The hare then changed into a little bird with a golden head, and flew about in the room, and then perched itself on the princess's shoulder. Princess Nastasia cut one of the little golden feathers off the bird's head, and then tied the two tufts of fur and the feather up in her handkerchief, and hid them in her dress, while Simeon became himself again.

The princess ordered food and wine to be brought him, and then gave him her father's sharp-edged sword and mace. After that they embraced each other and parted. Simeon changed himself into a stag again, and started off on his journey back to the king; transforming himself, when tired, into a hare, and then into a bird. Towards the end of the third day he came in sight of the king's encampment. When he came within thirty paces of the army he lay down under some bushes near the sea-shore to rest his weary limbs, and putting the sword and the mace by his side, he soon fell fast asleep.

Just at that time a general happened to be passing by the bushes, and on seeing the sleeping Simeon, he stopped, and pushing him into the sea with his foot, took the sword and mace, and went to the king.

"Your Majesty," he said, "I have brought you the sword and mace myself, for that stupid fellow Simeon is not likely to return for at least three years."

The king thanked the general, and the battle