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from the Land of the Tzar.

who became so fond of him, and so pleased with everything he did, that it would be impossible to relate in this story. In fact, he very soon left off coming to the smithy, for he had such perfect confidence in the devil that he let him manage everything himself, and left the shop in his charge. One day the blacksmith was away from home, and the devil was quite alone in the smithy. After working a little, he went to the door to have a look at the passers-by. As he stood there he saw an old lady driving along in her carriage; he made a sign to the coachman to stop, and then cried out to the old lady,—

"Walk in here, my lady. A new business has been started, whereby we can turn all old people into young ones again! Pray walk in!"

The old lady did not wait to think, but getting out of her carriage, entered the smithy.

"Is this really so?" asked the old lady. "Can you change old people into young ones, or are you only boasting?"

"If I did not understand my business, my lady," said the evil spirit, "I should not have invited you in!"

"What do you charge?"

"Five hundred roubles."

"Very well, here is the money. Now make me young once more."

The evil spirit took the money, and then sent the coachman into the village, saying,—

"Go, and bring me two buckets full of milk."

This done, he seized the old lady, and threw her