Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/281

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from the Land of the Tzar.

ate up our old horse, and we even ate you up also, old woman."

The woman was greatly astonished, and thought her husband was going mad, while the soldier burst out into a hearty laugh.

"What!" cried the peasant, stupefied with amazement; "what, soldier! do you mean to say that you are lying in the loft?"

"Of course, where else should I be? Do you really suppose that the hunters killed me? Oh, what a joke! Why, you old donkey, it was nothing but a hoax; I wanted to have a little fun out of you. While you were half-asleep I told the story, and you actually thought that it really was taking place. I have often done this sort of thing and am always greatly amused at the result."