Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/310

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Tales and Legends

"Look again; see what is on our right and what on our left."

"On our right is a green field, on our left stands a house."

"Let us fly down to that house," replied the eagle, "for in it lives my youngest sister."

So down they flew right into the yard of the house. The eagle's sister at once rushed out to meet her brother; she embraced him most affectionately, and took him into her little house and brought forward all kinds of good things, but she did not so much as look at the unfortunate king, who was left out in the yard with the dogs. But when the eagle saw what his sister had done, he was very angry; and scolding her severely for her rudeness, he left the hut and would touch nothing. He caught up the king and flew away with him.

On, on they went. At last the eagle said,—

"Look round, O king, and see what is behind us."

The king looked. "I see a red house behind us," he said.

"That is my sister's house on fire; it is a punishment to her because she did not ask you in, but left you outside with the dogs."

Away they flew, farther and farther. At last the eagle said,—

"Look and see what is above us and what beneath."

"Above us are the heavens, beneath us the earth."

"Now, look again, and see what is on our right, and what on our left."