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he fell senseless on the ground. He was restored by the application of some water which was quickly procured, and, looking wildly round him, he exclaimed, ‘You can- not say that I did it! It was dark—who saw me?’ ‘God Almighty saw you, un- happy young mm!’ said Mr JOHNSON in a tone which thrilled through my heart; for he had now taken the dimensions of STEWART'S shoe, and found it corresponded in every particular to the copy he had drawn. The murderer, for I had now no doubt that this was he, having recovered his strength, started up on his feet, and, drawing a sharp pointed knife from his pocket, threatened to stab to the heart the first man that laid hands on him. He then made a desperate spring, and before any person had sufficient presence of mind to prevent him, reached the church-yard wall, which he cleared without difficulty, but losing his balance when he reached the other side, he stumbled forward, and fell on the point of his knife. He was now over- taken and secured, and as he was losing much blood, he was conveyed to the manse, which happened to be the nearest house; the surgeon, who was present, attending him for the purpose of dressing his wound. The knife had entered the bowels, and made a dangerous wound, which the