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and twenty years of age,) and the tone of his voice pierced the air like a trumpet. He was crowned with a fresh and lusty garland of laurel; and upon his fist sat a tame eagle, purely white as a lily. A hundred knights attended him, all richly caparisoned, and, save their heads, in complete armour: for earls, dukes, and kings joined in this train through love, and for the increase of chivalry. Tame lions and leopards also gamboled around the royal car. After such fashion and order, did all these nobles arrive at the city early in the morning, and alight within its walls.

Theseus entertained them, each according to his rank, with full honour and knightly courtesy. If I did not wish to bring you to the effect and point of my tale, I would describe to you all the service at the high feasting; the minstrelsy; the rich present and the largess to both high and low; the appointment and rich array of the palace; the falcons disposed around on their perches, and the hounds lying here and there upon the floor, quietly expecting the feasters' casual superfluity: I would tell you of the fairest dames, and the best dancers; the