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notwithstanding, however, this fresh and lovely maiden came forth from their hands, from head to foot, both in mind and body worthy of her strange advancement. With their courtly and delicate ringers they tressed up her rudely flowing hair, binding it with a richly-jewelled crown, and all her robes and dresses were studded and knit together with precious stones and ornaments of gold, so that the people scarcely knew their poor companion in her splendid transformation.

The Marquis confirmed his pledge upon the spot by placing on her finger the bridal ring, and forward they paced to the palace; she being mounted upon a snow-white palfrey, the joyful populace following and welcoming; while some held her horse's bridle, others looked upon her face to see how she sustained her sudden honours:—and so the day was passed in gladness, feasting, and revelry.

I would not willingly delay the current of my story; but it is to my purpose here to tell you, that so bountifully had heaven showered its grace and favour upon this new Marchioness, that so far from betraying the lowliness of