Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/104

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when just at the critical moment, someone suddenly seized her hands and prevented her from doing the fearful deed. She looked around, and to her surprise and pleasure, she saw her lover Arihira. He had that day been summoned to the Court on duty, and on hearing of Komachi's appointment as Crown Princess had sought for her to talk with her. They gazed at each other for a few moments, dumb with emotion. Then Komachi, with many tears, told Arihira what had happened to her, and the reason why she had attempted suicide. When he heard her words, Arihira was overcome with admiration and gratitude, but he said with assumed composure:

"I am indeed thankful to hear of your faithfulness to me, my dearest, but I cannot bear to see you kill yourself for my sake, and you must not disobey the Imperial command. The only course open to you is to give me up, and try and enjoy the pomp and luxury of the life of a Crown Princess. Of course I release you from all your vows, and am willing to withdraw my own. Farewell, my dear Komachi."

As he spoke, Arihira prepared to depart; but Komachi clung to his sleeve, and wept bitterly, saying: