Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/108

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A little while later they were startled by the sounds of some men walking into the cottage. They hesitatingly peeped through the chinks of the shōji, and were amazed to see many men with their faces muffled with kerchiefs, and looking like outlaws.

"Bring us some cups of tea," cried the ruffians.

The young couple feared that immediate danger might follow, if the outlaws should catch a glimpse of their faces, and did not dare to come out. They answered timidly:

"The priest to whom this cottage belongs is out, and so pray help yourselves to tea or hot water, as much as you please, sirs."

"As much as we please!" cried the ruffians. "What insolence! If you are in charge of the house, why don't you come out and greet us? Well, we will boil the water and make some tea for ourselves."

With these words they stepped noisily up the mats, and sliding open the shōji, looked at the terrified pair.

"Ha! Ha! Here are the eloping couple, Komachi and Arihira," they cried triumphantly. "We are delighted to see you. We are the retain-