Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/111

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Soon afterwards the Emperor abdicated, and Prince Hanateru ascended the throne. Amnesty was proclaimed to commemorate the occurrence, and consequently the capital sentence which had been pronounced upon Kuronushi was remitted, and he was not only pardoned, but his former rank and title were restored to him. But this grace was not extended to Lord Arihira and Lady Komachi, who were considered violators of the Imperial command. No one ventured to entreat for their pardon. Thus the young lovers were like plants growing in the shade without any chance of blooming forth in the sun. They continued to live a dreary and secluded life in Mount Atago.

There was a rumour at that time that a goblin frequently appeared in the Imperial Palace. Sometimes it summoned up tremendous peals of thunder and sometimes it appeared in the form of a woman with hideous features. When it appeared, the nobles and ministers of state were