Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/150

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the first to fight to the death. If grandmother discovers you weeping, and perceives my resolve, I will divorce you for all time and eternity!"

"What is that you say?"

"Oh! we are wasting time in useless conversation. Bring me that armour-chest. Quick!"

"Very well," was the girl's sobbing reply.

"Quickly," said Jūjirō with irritation. "The longer you are, the worse it will be! Do not be so unreasonable."

"It is not possible for me to make haste in helping my beloved husband don his armour, when I know he is bent upon dying on the battle-field."

With these words she took out a suit of armour made of red threaded plates. Its sleeves were besprinkled with a shower of her tears. Jūjirō promptly clothed himself in the beautiful armour and a graceful helmet. Thus equipped, he looked a perfect warrior. His mother and grandmother entered at this moment with saké-cups and a wooden stand on which to place them, a saké holder with a long handle, and other articles of ceremony. They gazed at his gallant appearance with admiration.

"How fine you look!" exclaimed the old woman,