Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/345

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very glad to find you well. I can well imagine how joyful and happy Miyuki must feel."

"Then it seems to me," said Jirōzayémon, "it is now high time that we should wed with my lord's permission. By a happy chance he is even now here in my house. I will go at once and request his consent."

In no long time the youthful lovers had the happiness of exchanging cups of marriage in the inner apartment, under the auspices of Lord Ōuchi, and a few days later a splendid banquet was given in honour of their nuptials.

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Shortly afterwards the treachery of Iwashiro Takita came to light and he met a traitor's death. Aratayé, the old heroine of Mt. Maya, made away with herself for some unknown reason, and all her followers dispersed in despair.