Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/354

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was sagacious to no small degree, and skilled in military arts.

One day Hatsuhana, accompanied by her maids, went to worship at the Temple of Hachiman, the God of War, which was situated on the hill of Tsuruga-oka.

After she had finished praying, she began to descend the stone steps, when Kōzuké and his servant Dansuké rushed forth from behind some great trees, where they had been hiding.

"Hatsuhana, daughter of Shinzayémon," cried Kōzuké proudly. "I have some important business to discuss with you."

Hatsuhana made a profound obeisance. "Sir Takiguchi Kōzuké, I believe," she said. "Can it be that your honour has some business with me?"

"Yes, indeed!" he said. "It gives me great pleasure to meet you here. My business is this—"—he took a letter from his bosom and handed it to her——

"'To Hatsuhana.

From her passionate admirer,


I hope you will not refuse my ardent desire, fair maiden."