Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/359

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"Pooh!" said Kōzuké, smiling sarcastically.

"You wish to witness my ability? Let me tell you that I was formerly a retainer of his Highness the Regent Taikō. I distinguished myself in several battles under his command. Moreover everyone knows that I am a hero. You need have no fears about my ability, Shinzayémon. What say you, Dansuké?"

"Of course!" broke in Dansuké, "your ability is beyond question. If five or ten men were to attack you at one time, you could kill them even with a wooden sword, not to mention a real one. If you doubt my words, Shinzayémon, let my lord have a fencing bout with ten or twelve samurai at once; nay, fifty or a hundred samurai, if you choose."

Michisuké had long since been thinking that Kōzuké might possibly be the enemy for whom he was seeking. He, therefore, considered that the best opportunity had come to ascertain the truth of his conjecture, and if he were Gōsuké, to test his ability.

"Excuse the presumption of my request, my lord," said he to Shinzayémon, in a most reverential manner. "I should be grateful if you would order me to contest with Sir Kōzuké."