Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/367

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With your kind consent the marriage ceremony shall be performed this evening."

"You wish me to marry Lady Hatsuhana?" said Michisuké with a surprised look. "It would be the greatest honour possible for me to become your son-in-law. But it cuts me to the heart to say that there is an insuperable barrier to the marriage which cannot be removed. Therefore I cannot accept your kind proposal. Please forgive my disobeying your grateful commands, dear lady."

"Why cannot you marry my daughter?" asked Sawarabi in irritated tones. "Are you dissatisfied with her or with the house? Or is there some other reason?"

"Oh! may I be for ever cursed, if I find anything unsatisfactory either in Lady Hatsuhana or your house!" exclaimed Michisuké. "It is indeed for some other reason that I cannot marry her. It is a great secret which I cannot disclose, even if you demand my life."

At this positive and final refusal, Sawarabi was at her wits' ends to know what to do. She sighed with disappointment, and Hatsuhana, whose heart had been filled with joy, suddenly burst into bitter tears.