Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/391

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"Humph! What do you say, Hatsuhana?"

"I would sooner kill myself, than yield to your wishes."

"You won't obey me either? Then I must show you something which will surprise you."

He ordered his retainers to bring out a woman who was bound and gagged.

The unfortunate couple were amazed to recognize Sawarabi, Hatsuhana's mother. Gōsuké smiled sarcastically. "See!" he said. "I have a great deal of power and authority, Hatsuhana. I have ruined your house, and arrested your mother. If you will give up your crippled husband and yield to me, I will restore your house, and consider Sawarabi as my mother-in-law. If you refuse, I will kill your mother and your husband. Their fate entirely depends on your answer. Let me hear it at once."

When he heard these cruel words, Katsugorō gnashed his teeth in mortification. He turned pale as death and fainted. The amazed Hatsuhana rushed up to him, and tried to restore him to consciousness.

Gōsuké stepped down from the verandah, and