Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/399

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"Now you coward, Satō Gōstiké! Have you forgotten me?"

"So it is you, Fudesuké! Your blood shall cause my sword to rust."

They fought with might and main. During the fight Fudesuké stumbled over a stone, and fell on his back. Sawarabi rushed to his rescue and fought with Gōsuké. Meanwhile Fudesuké sprang to his feet, and ran to aid Sawarabi. Katsugorō, who had been a little distance away in pursuit of the fleeing foes, returned. He bade Sawarabi and Fudesuké keep a look-out over the rallying enemies, and immediately attacked Gōsuké single-handed.

The villain defended himself with desperate courage, but he was no match for our hero. He reeled and the point of his sword began to waver. At last Katsugorō cut his antagonist down, and stabbing him in the throat, cried: "My brother is now revenged!"

Sawarabi and Fudesuké ran up to the dying man and stabbed him also, crying:

"My husband and daughter are now revenged!"

"My lord is now revenged!"

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